It will cool down, Melbourne, I think. Really. And the summer? This kind of summer you never had. You must have a summer like this. Very important you see for the ecological balance. When you have such a summer then the Mother Earth sucks in you see, the rays of the sun you see and that, with that you see all the leaves which are dried and all that, they fall down and also nitrogen is given. So that's how she gets more enriched by the calcium because the vitamin D you see, that comes from the sun helps her consume the calcium and the nitrogen from the leaves that are there and that's how she enriches herself. Now you, if you have a good summer, a real nice summer then also you'll find you'll have a very beautiful autumn. Your autumn will show beautiful colours and hues and red and yellow; this and that.
Moreover this kind of a heat, you see, takes away the moisture of the Mother Earth, so the crusts are formed and many minerals are created with that. With the heat only the minerals are created out of the same. You see all the change takes place through the heat from the Mother Earth and the heat from the sun. It's better to have from the sun than to have from the Mother Earth because it can explode. Into a volcano or something. So you see all these things are worked out in such a way that you get definite seasons. That's important.
H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Talk to yogis, Kew Ashram, Melbourne, 14/3/85